Where Moguls Fear to Tread...
...so go I, the digital filmmaker. Wired has an interesting article on Hollywood's aversion to "true" science-fiction. After Aranofsky's The Fountain failed to deliver big box office, movie studios take it as another sign that "traditional" science-fiction (rather than the action and effects-driven vehicles like Superman Returns) is a genre which doesn't offer a return on investment. But as the Wired article also points out, "Studios are in the process of figuring out how to reach...the "native digital" audiences, sci-fi fans that grew up online and who now spend their time at YouTube and MySpace."
Well, I say who better to figure out what reaches the "native digital" audiences than the "native digital" audiences themselves, i.e., you! With fascinating and compelling fare like Primer, a sci-fi film shot for $7000 or Firefly Pete Marcy's brilliant feature shot on a DVX100 for $5000, I believe that the most original "traditional" science-fiction--science fiction that values ideas over effects--is truly the realm of the digital filmmaker. "Cyber-clones, go forth and colonize. Leader out."
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